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Section 889 Certification Solutions Page

USA Government Agencies and Section 889 Certifications

Government agencies often face challenges when trying to get large corporations and small foreign businesses to sign Section 889 certifications. Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019 imposes restrictions on the use of certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment from specific Chinese companies, such as Huawei and ZTE. This regulation aims to protect national security by preventing potential cyber threats from compromised equipment.

Understanding Section 889 Certification

Section 889 certification is crucial for government agencies because it ensures that the products and services they procure do not include prohibited telecommunications equipment. This certification is necessary to maintain the integrity and security of government operations. Without it, agencies risk using equipment that could be vulnerable to espionage or cyber-attacks.

Challenges in Obtaining Certifications

  1. Large Corporations: Big corporations often have complex supply chains and procurement processes, making it difficult to ensure compliance with Section 889. They may be hesitant to sign certifications that could limit their flexibility or require significant changes to their operations.
  2. Small Foreign Businesses: Small foreign businesses may lack the resources or understanding of U.S. regulations to comply easily. They might find the certification process daunting and may not have the necessary infrastructure to ensure compliance.

How Key Relevant Helps Businesses

Key Relevant steps in to assist businesses that struggle to obtain an 889 certification for certain products. We procure these products on behalf of the businesses and place them in our inventory for sale. This service ensures that businesses can continue to operate smoothly without the burden of navigating complex certification processes. By leveraging our expertise and resources, we help businesses comply with regulations while maintaining their supply chains.

Invitation to USA Government Agencies

We invite government agencies to submit a request with a link to the product they want to purchase. Once we have procured the product and listed it on our website, we will contact you. This streamlined process ensures that you can obtain the necessary products without delay, while also adhering to regulatory requirements.

Feel free to submit your requests below or email us at